doTERRA Business Opportunity

doTERRA’s products are sold exclusively through independent consultants called Wellness Advocates. They introduce, educate about, and promote essential oils working from home, directly through person-to-person contact and/or globally through specialized websites. These consultants share their personal experience and enthusiasm with friends and acquaintances either by organizing face-to-face presentations or globally through specialized networks.

The next level of the doTERRA business is to move all of these activities to share, promote and educate about essential oils on the internet.

Some consultants have developed their own businesses exclusively on the Internet, while most work in a mixed system that involves both direct contact with future members and specific activities of information and education and connection through social networks on the Internet.

We do the same thing and we are very proud of it!

Why? Because in this way we have the opportunity to share our knowledge and experiences with a lot of people. And we rejoice when people find in us the information they are looking for and need.

It is very difficult lately to choose between the multitude of information that invades us at every moment. That is why, keeping a high standard of ethics and deontology, we have gained authority in our business.

DoTERRA’s business does not mean Sales or Marketing. The doTERRA business means sharing verified, accurate information and real experiences related to essential oils.

People fall in love with doTERRA from the first drop!

This is the doTERRA opportunity in a nutshell.

Do you think this opportunity is for you?


We think it is. And we have some arguments for that:

1. First of all, the fact that you got here and read on this page, tells us that you have at least an interest in finding out more and even earning some money from here. And this is the first condition to start something. Well done!

quote zig ziglar

2. Secondly, what makes this business right for you is investment. Exact! It is a zero investment business.

The only condition – obvious – that you must meet is to be a member of doTERRA. If you have no idea what this means, you can find out more on the Join doTERRA page.

In short, as long as you are a loyal customer of doTERRA products, you can make money.

3. Third, the doTERRA opportunity is both for those who want to “try something” and for those with an entrepreneurial spirit who want to build a business in the true sense of the word.

It all depends on you and what you want.

There are doTERRA consultants who earn the value of the products they consume and it is ok for them. On the other hand, there are also doTERRA millionaires. Everyone’s desire or goal translates into time invested in this business, and this in turn translates into profits.

4. Fourth, it has never been easier than it is now! And that’s because you discovered us.

The experience and the challenges we have tried since we are doTERRA consultants have given us the chance to develop Natural Via Vita – the community of those like us: a little curious, a little skeptical, eager to know and learn and, especially, with a strong desire to help others find out what this is all about. Is it a miracle? The missing element in their lives, in the course of humanity? Is that what they want? Or maybe is this what they have been looking for for a long time? Is it a real opportunity? Or is the answer to any of the unanswered questions so far?

We share with you everything we wanted to know from the beginning. No tricks or hidden costs.

How to make money in doTERRA?

There are several types of bonuses or commissions.

1. Fast Start Bonus

fast start bonus doterraFast Start bonus is paid weekly for all enrollments as a doTERRA member. The value of the commission is 20% of the order value of the new members. The commission is paid for all orders of new members in the first 60 days after enrollment.

If the new member enrolled by you will in turn enroll a new member, you will also receive a 10% commission from the latter’s orders, from the second level, provided that it falls within the 60 days mentioned above.

To qualify for this bonus you must be a Wellness Advocate member, with Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) template set to at least 100 PV for the month, and complete a Qualified LRP Order.

PV = Personal Volume. Each commissionable product sold by doTERRA is assigned a point value. A Wellness Advocate’s Personal Volume is the accumulated points of products purchased.

2. Power of Three Bonus

power of three bonus doterraThe Power of Three Bonus is a monthly bonus paid to Sponsors that can be $50, $250, or $1,500. Any Sponsor with a Qualified LRP Order is eligible to earn the bonus.

In order to earn the $50 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must have three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers with Qualified LRP Orders, and a minimum Team Volume (TV) of 600.

For $250 bonus, a Wellness Advocate must first qualify for the $50 Bonus. The three personally sponsored Wellness Advocates or Wholesale Customers who assisted him to qualify for the $50 Bonus must also qualify for the $50 Bonus.

See the picture below and follow the rule for $1500.

TV = Team Volume. The combined Personal Volume of the members of a Team.

3. Uni-level Bonus

The Uni-level Bonus is paid each month and is based on the monthly volume of sales to the Organization of the Wellness Advocate. A particular month’s Uni-level Bonus is dependent upon the monthly Rank for which the Wellness Advocate has qualified and the monthly Organizational Volume of the Wellness Advocate. Each month the Wellness Advocate must meet The Rank and Organizational Volume requirements.

By compression, essentially all uni-level is paid to Wellness Advocates.

Sales on which Fast Start Bonuses are paid do not get included in the Uni-level volume.

uni level bonus doterra

4. Retail Profit Bonus

As a Wellness Advocate, you benefit from your own doTERRA online store where you can redirect retail customers. For any acquisition of retail clients, Wellness Advocate will receive the price difference between the retail and the membership price, of 25%.

Earning Potential for the doTERRA Business


Here is an estimated average earnings chart for those building a doTERRA business. You can see the average number of months each position can be reached at the bottom line.


compensation plan doterra business

Do you want to grow your own doTERRA business?

Here are the steps:

  • Join doTERRA as Wellness Advocate

    Read the Join doTERRA instructions or follow this LINK directly.

  • Inform yourself and learn about Essential Oils

  • Enjoy your Essential Oils and build your experience with them
  • Set your Loyalty Rewards Program (LRP) template to at least 100 PV
  • Complete a Qualified LRP Order
  • Always stay in touch with us!

    By joining doTERRA through the link above, you will automatically become a member of our team, Natural Via Vita.

    As soon as we receive the news, we will contact you.
    But you don’t have to wait! Contact us using the Whatsapp button on the site or the contact form at the bottom of the page and we will answer you immediately.
    You can follow us on social networks. You can find us there too!

    We can’t wait to welcome you to our team!

join our team