Intro Class Script
[tlg_spacer height=”10″][tlg_steps][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-intro” title=”Intro + doTERRA” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” bg_color=”#ad90c3″ text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”2 min”][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-abouteo” title=”What are EO + 3 core facts” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” bg_color=”#358600″ text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff” subtitle=”5 min”][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-use” title=”How to use EO” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff” bg_color=”#dd9933″ subtitle=”5 min”][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-eohelp” title=”How can EO help” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” bg_color=”#eeee22″ subtitle=”2 min”][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-oils” title=”10 oils” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” bg_color=”#1e73be” subtitle=”10-12 min” text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff”][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-getoils” title=”How to get oils & Kits” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” bg_color=”#23dddd” subtitle=”5-7 min” text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff”][tlg_steps_content step_link=”url:%23intro-business” title=”DoTERRA Business” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-right” bg_color=”#8224e3″ subtitle=”10 min” text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff”][tlg_steps_content title=”Thanks for joining our class!” icon=”ti-arrow-circle-up” bg_color=”#dd3333″ subtitle=”1 min” text_color=”#ffffff” icon_color=”#ffffff”][/tlg_steps]Welcome everyone, so happy to have you here!
My name is _______, and for those of you who don’t know me, I’m _______ (where you’re from, what you do).
I’m excited to teach you about Essential Oils today. Besides _______ (example: running my company / teaching yoga / being with my husband and my children), teaching classes on essential oils is something that I love to do. I see people improving their health and treat ailments.
Well, I will start the class today with some information about doTERRA and what this company does to be the leader in the essential oils market. Then I will discuss about the essential oils: what they are, how to use them, and – most importantly – what to use them for and what are their benefits.
Finally, if you are interested in the income opportunity offered by doTERRA, in a few minutes I will present the business and how you can increase your income by helping people around you.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8978″ title=”2. About doTERRA” icon=”ti-cup” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#ad90c3″]
- So a little bit about the company. The name of the company is doTERRA and doTERRA stands for “Gift of the Earth”.
- doTERRA is the world’s leader in sourcing, testing, manufacturing and distribution of CPTG oils, which stands for Certified Pure, tested graded oils.
- doTerra was established in 2008, and in 2016, was an international company of the year, and what’s really important, as important for me, is that there are a debt free company.
- Now we’re approaching a $3 billion year in global sales and operating in over 120 countries globally in the world. And what’s really important to understand with regards to that is currently right now that doTerra is growing quicker than Apple did.
- We launched in Thailand at the beginning of this year. And we were due to launch in India last year as well as this year. But unfortunately, cause of COVID it has delayed us and we do to launch in India sometime next year.
- Now with doTERRA there’s a lot of science involved. And while we have a panel of scientists, and with the panel of scientists together with the American Advisory Board, they work together testing and ensuring that you and I get the best benefits from the essential oils, obviously, as the end user.
- Now all of this starts with firstly, all of our clients, where the essential oils are coming from are all grown organically. And the other side of the coin is that doTERRA co impacts source oils from all over the world.
- Now the reason for doing this is because the environment and the climate and the conditions that the plant is grown in does determine the compounds and the chemicals found in the essential oil, which obviously helps to benefit as the end user with regards to the benefits that they will obviously produce and give us. An example of that is if you were to buy a pineapple that was grown in South Africa, and you buy a pineapple that’s grown in Spain, I can guarantee you they smell and taste actually differently because of the compounds and chemicals found within.
- We also have a foundation, called the Healing Hands Foundation, which is very much about doTERRA giving back to society. What they do is they are very involved with initiatives, for example, building schools and clinics for impoverished communities, as well as also helping impoverished communities that don’t have fresh clean running water that doTERRA obviously helps and assist with that. The other thing that they’re also very active in is helping people that have unfortunate been exposed to things like human trafficking, child trafficking, and sex trafficking. So very much the ethos of doTERRA is about giving back to society.
- Now we really have two options available to us. Firstly, we have modern medicine. And the other option is your holistic natural approach to your health.
- Now what I’m going to do here today, and I have to just reiterate is that I’m going to be using the two as a comparison.
- I’m not telling you in any way, shape, or form not to use modern medicine. I’m just going to be showing you the differences. And obviously the choice as to where you go from yet is your choice totally.
- Now the first thing that I’m going to say to you is that the modern approach is very much been designed to manage symptoms.
- Now what happened is that humans have tried to duplicate exactly the same compounds and chemicals made up in your essential oil, but we haven’t been able to do that. Bayer International is the first company who get started that for pain relief as well as the other medication that they have try to duplicate. Now they haven’t been able to duplicate exactly the same compounds and chemicals found in your central world.
- Because they and others companies are not able to duplicate thay added synthetics to that medicine that you’re using. Now, these synthetics is what causes things like side effects and addictions, which is obviously, in some cases, not obviously good for you at all.
- As it’s been designed to manage the symptoms, and not go to the root cause of the problem, you’ve really got to ask yourself a big question, knowing that all modern medicines doas not make us as a society any healthier, and considering that we spent $6.5 trillion a year on global health care
- Now the next approach that you have is your natural approach, and actually approach with our essential oils, they literally go to the root cause of the problem, and they eliminate all the symptoms associated with that problem.
- Now the other thing as well with regards to that is that they are extracted from plants as natural, we don’t add a synthetic, so therefore, with essential oils, you can’t have any addictions. And you certainly don’t get any side effects using the essential oils. So a much more safer approach in my opinion.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8984″ title=”doTERRA is healthcare” icon=”ti-paint-bucket” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″]
- So the foundation of doTERRA is healthcare.
- What we do in doTERRA is we help and assist people as a alternative method in approaching their health care. And that is things like for example, preventative health care, which we help you with a daily wellness protocol.
- 62% of people die because of non communicable diseases. Now, non communicable diseases, could be things like diabetes could be heart attack, cancer, things like that.
- So what we do is we show you a natural approach for preventative health care, because a lot of us are susceptible to this kind of diseases, based on your genetics, and your lifestyle – how you live your life – that impact your health.
- The other thing that we do and we help people with is pre existing issues that you may have. So we help you and show you a natural holistic way and approaching that instead of using your medicine.
- Now please, if you are in any medication because of pre existing issues, please do not stop using medication and go straight around onto your natural approach. You do need to work together with your doctor
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8985″ title=”doTERRA wellness lifestyle” icon=”ti-paint-bucket” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″]
- Now as a doTERRA consultant, you will never see us running around selling individual oils here and what we do is we go into a journey with the healthier you.
- So what that’s all about is us helping you to understand your immune system and secondly, how to build up your immune system to naturally let your body fight it back.
- Now this started obviously new habbit, your own informed self care and for you to be proactive with your own medical care.
- Now all of the stuff starts with you being proactive with things like eating correctly, we know that if you’re not eating correctly, this is going to affect your health.
- Exercising is the cornerstone of your health. (My boys and my husband love they’re running, but not me.) You could literally walk, you could cycle, you could swim, gimm, Pilates, yoga, whatever it is that you want to do. But it is important that you are doing exercise on a day to day basis.
- Rest and managing stress also forms a huge part of your health. And a lot of people sweep under the carpet this issue of managing stress and toxic load. Now rest has been proven that you should be sleeping at least six hours a day. And if you’re not sleeping six hours a day, you’re very prone to things like dementia, and you’re also prone to certain cancers as well. Now, managing your stress is also really important. Why because we all go through stressful times in our lives. And that’s not a big, big problem. Because what will happen in that time, your adrenaline rises, your cortisol level rises. And you have that from time to time is not bad for you. But if you’re living in constant stress, that is not good for you. It’s not good for your physical health, your emotional health, and certainly not your mental health either.
- So it’s really important that we work with you that if you are somebody that constantly is under stress, to learn how to manage those stress levels
- Reducing toxic load, (this is what really related to me with the essential oils because I’m a little bit pedantic about the environment). So very much you could literally empty your cleaning products. So all these horrible things that you’re using active bleachers, and all that, not only is this affecting your environment, but each and every time you use those chemicals, it gets absorbed through your skin, into your body, and it affects your health as well.
- Now, the other thing I’d like to do is Google two words after this class, because you know, had looked at it, I was flabbergasted.
- The first word is fluoride. Go and Google fluoride, you will see how bad fluoride is for you. And yet, that is what the governments and companies are putting into our toothpaste every day that we use it and the skin absorbed through our gums into our bodies. And you’ll see what it does to your skeleton. Your burns, it’s it’s horrendous.
- The other word I’d like you to Google is fragrance or fragrances. Another brilliant word that companies and the government use to hide all sorts of toxins. And I’m not even going to go into the toxins and the stuff that you buy off the shelf in the supermarket, let alone being unable to pronounce it, all those preservatives, that is in your food, you’re absorbing this into your body that is not healthy for you.
So good, fresh, clean food is really what it’s all about.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8986″ title=”What are Essential Oils” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″ icon=”ti-paint-bucket”]
- So now what I’m going to do is I’m going to run through what essential oils are, how you use the essential oils, and how you can get these essential oils into your home.
Now before I start on this, I’m going to continue comparing your modern medicine together with your natural medicine. And I’m also going to be talking to you about the doTERRA essential oils and not validating any other essential oils that you are using on the marketplace today.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8987″ title=”3 core facts about essential oils – 1″ icon=”ti-paint-bucket” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″]
- Now 3 core facts about essential oils
- essential oils on natural, it’s nature’s pharmacy, it’s 50 to 70 times more powerful than herbes and essential oils are taken and found from the roots, the stems the bud and the leaves of plants.
- The essential oil that is in the actual plant what it does, it actually helps to protect the plant, it helps to build the plant’s immune system. It protects plants against things that bacteria, fungus, insects, diseases that the plants may get.
And it’s also really good in helping the plant to regenerate and heal itself. Now our bodies have very similar building blocks that have a plot. So when you use the essential oils, it works in your body in exactly the same way as it does in the plant.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8988″ title=”3 core facts about essential oils – 2″ title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″ icon=”ti-paint-bucket”]
- The second cool fact about the essential oil is that they are safe.
- the essential oils contain natural aromatic compounds that are extracted and distilled from the plants for your health benefits and they do not contain any synthetics so you can become addicted to it and you certainly won’t have any side effects using Essential Oils.
- And here is a mint leaf that has been magnified. And if you see this from what is over here, polyps or whatever you want to call it, that is the essential oil that is removed from the plant. And that is what you use for your health benefits.
One drop of the doTERRA essential oil – the peppermint essential oil – is equivalent to 28 cups of peppermint tea. So our oils are very, very pure[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8989″ title=”3 core facts about essential oils – 3″ icon=”ti-paint-bucket” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″]
- The other cool fact about essential oils is that they are effective.
- An example of this is when you go to the doctor with a bacterial infection, that bacterial infections are found outside of your cell. The doctor gives you an antibiotic. With that antibiotic, he’ll give you a probiotic. Why? Because the modern medicine, the antibiotic kills all bacteria, good bacteria and the bad bacteria. And that is why you’re given the probiotic to try to help all the good bacteria that is found in your gut. Now your gut health plays a huge part towards your overall health. So it’s really, really important that you protect that good bacteria, because all your bugs and germs generally start in your gut. So keeping your gut health is important to you.
- Now with regards to a bacterial infection with the essential oils, if you use it with essential oil, they kill the bad bacteria and do not harm the good bacteria at all. It is safe and is not affecting your overall chemical balance in your body and your gut.
- Now the other thing, and bodies are made up of millions of cells, and around each cell is a membrane. So when you have a viral infection, you go to the doctor, the doctor cannot help you, it cannot give you an antibiotic to help you with that viral infection. Why? Because firstly, modern medicine is water soluble. So it does not have the ability to penetrate the outer membrane of the cell, go into the cell and fight the virus it’s in the cell. Now that is where you’re going to find majority of the of your viruses within your cells, where essential oil has the ability to pass through the outer membrane of the cell, go into the cell and fight the actual virus that is there, therefore eliminating any symptoms associated with that virus as well.
Now, very simply, when you use the essential oils, it takes just 30 seconds to enter into your bloodstream. And within 20 minutes, it starts to fit all of the cells in your body.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8990″ title=”doTERRA is safe and oils are 100% Pure.” icon=”ti-paint-bucket” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″]doTERRA is safe and oils are 100% Pure.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8993″ title=”Not all oils are created equal” icon=”ti-paint-bucket” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″]
- Not all oils on the on the market today are equal. You’ve got to be very careful what essential oils you bought off the marketplace.
- It’s not a regulated industry. And it’s the same as your supplements and your vitamins. It’s not regulated. So with regards to our essential oils, what we guarantee is we guarantee the purity of our oils, we guarantee that they are free from any artificial ingredients, fillers and pesticides.
- Our oils represent 1% of the oils on the marketplace today, which is why they are certified as I Certified Pure tested graded oils (CPTG).
Now with regards to the industry, what it stipulates is that a company is allowed to advertise they products as being pure if it provides 8% of pure essential oil. That is what you buy on a supermarket, or even on internet. the extra oil is in that particular world that you buy. The other 92% can be made up of fillers, pesticides and artificial ingredients. It’s disgusting. But unfortunately, that is what happens.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”8994″ title=”CPTG” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#358600″ icon=”ti-paint-bucket”]
- Now with regards to the doTERRA products are tested by Medical Advisory Board and one of our founders, Dr. Hill is on the Medical Advisory Board. And they work very closely with our scientists.
- After we tests on our oils, these oils are sent to an outside company called the Aromatic Plant Research Center, which we’re not affiliated with, an independent company. They basically run a further batch of tests on the oils. So by the time you and I get that batch of oils 54 individual tests have been run on those particular oils.
Now what you can do is you can actually validate those essential oils with what we do. So I’m just going to show you my screen. There is a reference number at the bottom of oils. You could go on to a website called, which will will send you an email with the slides. you ctake that reference number and you put it in the section on the, and you submit it. Afterwards, you’ll be able to download a PDF showing you all the different tests that have been run on the oils, as well as the results for that particular batch of oils. You can then download a certificate, which will also give you further information and comments relating to that particular batch of oils. Now, that’s the difference of our oils, they’re certified pure tested graded oils.[/tlg_timeline_content][/tlg_timeline]
- The first way that you can use essential oils is aromatically. So literally aromatically is simply, you breath in the oil.
- Now you can do this directly, or you can use a diffuser.
- Now very simply, what you do is when you breathe in that oil, it helps to open your airways, it helps to boost the mood. And it also helps to freshen the air, as well as it can also help you to cleanse the air, depending on the way you’re using.
- This is a very effective and quickest way to get the essential oil into your body. And this is simply the way it works. On the top of your nose, you’ve got your olfactory nerve. When you breathe the essential oil through your olfactory nerve, it sends a message to your limbic system, and your body then starts react chemically to the essential oil.
- You can do it simply, just by opening the oil and smelling it. The other way is placing one to two drops of the essential oil on the palm of your hand rub than the palms, covering over your nose and mouth and breathing 5 to 10 deep breaths.
- Lavender is a fantastic oil to carry around with you. If you’re somebody that suffers and things like feelings of depression, feelings of anxiety, feelings of being stressed, a good way to use it is to literally take it with you in your handbag. Put a drop on your palm, deep breath 5 to 10 times, and we’ll help you within 20 minutes to start calming me down as well.
- Another way that you can use essential oil is with the diffuser. A lot of companies when you buy your essential oil will sell or recommend nice little pretty burner at the bottom, but the hot candle will burn your oil, will break the molecular structure of the essential oil by burning it. You still get the aroma, but you don’t get the benefits of the essential oil.
With doTERRA, we have a diffuser, you can see you’ve got a timer on there, it’s got water in it, you’ll put your oil in there, and you can see that steam that’s coming up there. The steam is very safe and the oil keep the properties. You just pop it in the room that you want to be in and the diffuser then does everything. The quickest and easiest way to get the oil into your body is through diffusing the essential oil[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9002″ title=”Topic” icon=”ti-hand-stop” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#dd9933″]
- Now the next way that you can use the essential oil is you can use it topically.
- Using the oil topically you can apply to the bottom of your feet, (reflexology method) or you can apply on the affected area of your body.
- I’m sure you’ve been to a spa. After the massage you feel like heaven. Okay, why? Because human touch releases endorphins. And by releasing those endorphins, it helps you reduce your pain and helps to elevate your mood.
- The best way to use your essential oil is with a carrier. Well now we have a carrier oil called Fractionated coconut oil. It’s an absolute great way to use your essential oils topically. And the reason why is firstly, it’s going to save you money. That’s really important. Because our oils are very pure, concentrated. You could take one tablespoon of fractionated coconut oil, and you can put one to two drops of essential oil. By using it that way, you can spread the oil over a wider area or wider part of your body or your skin. What happens is it helps more of the actual benefits. The oil is absorbed through your skin into your body and the wider the skin area is, the faster effect of applying the oil.
- On one 15 ml bottle, you’re getting approximately 250 drops of essential oil. So very simply, if you want to take one tablespoon of fractionated coconut oil and put one drop in, you can see you can have 250 aggregate. So very cost effective with that as well.
- Now the other reason you always dilute your essential oils is for sensitive skin. Now the older you become, the more thinner, the more sensitive your skin becomes. So again, important to dilute your oils when you’re working with the elderly, children and babies always diluted with children and babies depending on the age any any child from the age of two and below.
- I would always use two tablespoons of fractionated coconut oil with one drop of essential oil in them. So it needs to be really, really diluted for babies.
- You can use it pets and animals, too.
- The other places that are really effective to use a topically is feet, the bottom of the feet, you’ve got the largest portion of the thicker skin. So if you’ve got sensitive skin, I always recommend starting at bottom and if you need to dilute it even more, then that’s what you need to do.
The other place is to your wrist. This is where you’ve got pressure points, so again is absorbed through your pressure points through the rest of your body[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9003″ title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#dd9933″ title=”Intern” icon=”ti-hand-stop”]
- We can use some of our essential oils – not all – internally
- We’ve got over 150 oils and others 100 mixed oils, but only 37 of our oils are safe to use internaly.
- So if you want to go and have a look at the list of words that are safe to use internally, go and google “doTERRA essential oils safe to use internaly” now you’re gonna get oils that you would use as herb: rose, basil, oregano.
- You also get oils that you can use as spices: cardamon, cinnamon, pepper
- you can use safetly citrus oils: lemon, wild orange, tangerine
- you’ve also got oils like peppermint
- you’ve also got oils that have been approved by the FDA like lavender.
- I’m just going to demonstrate all the different ways you can use the oils internally and I’m going to use our Wild orange. The reason I use wild orange particularly is the taste and the second reason I like to use the Wild Orange is because I’ve been told that my cholesterol level is slightly higher than it should be. So I use this everyday to try and bring my cholesterol levels down.
- You can cook with the essential oil, but remember that you do not burn essential oil so you need to wait if you want the benefits of the essential work Wait until your meal is 80 to 90% cooked, and then use a toothpick when you’re doing it. All of our worlds have got this little hole in there, you’re going to use a toothpick. And the reason for a toothpick is because it’s very, very pure.
- If you are baking, you can put the oil in from beginning because obviously you’re going to get the flavor but you’re not going to get the benefits when you’re baking.
- Now the other way that you can use these oils internally is to replace some of your toxins. The first thing I did is I made myself a mouthwash. I use distilled water with either peppermint or spearmint in there. To help to freshen your breath. You can use myrrh too. Then you can use clove. So those are the three oils I use. I use spearmint, myrrh and clove in my mouthwash.
- Now the other way you can use it is with veggie caps. Now, the veggie caps very simple, it’s a vegetable derived, you can use and recycled vegans and vegetarians to use. And this is what the veggie cap looks like. You simply open the veggie cap, you add your oils, close it and take it into now I use it. The oils may taste bitter and you can take veggie caps to avoid this.
- The last way you can use the essential oils is through water, adding in the water. You can use a glass of water and you may change a liitle bit that taste of water with 2 drops of lemon oil or some citrus oil. Use glass or metal, the plastic is dangerous.
Again, please note you don’t use all our oils internally[/tlg_timeline_content][/tlg_timeline]
- Very simple! They can empower your life!
- Firstly, I will save you a lot of money!
- You don’t have to buy all those cleaning products. You will empty the medicine box because you won’t need all that pills “just in case”.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9011″ title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#eeee22″ title=”Top Health Priorities” icon=”ti-cloud-up”]
- Now, what I’d like you to think about before you go back to the person that invited you to the class is just pick out your three top health priorities.
- Maybe one these three things that you want feel lesser, maybe these three things you want to feel more of. So for example, you might finally feel less pain, you might want to feel more energy.
- What are your three top health priorities? Could be you, it could be something in your family. So have a think about that.
- The first oil is Peppermint.
- Peppermint is an oil that you can use for things like helping you with pain relief, it’s very good for pain relief. So for example my son suffers a lot with headaches. And what he does is to use a few drops of peppermint on his temples, on his forehead and at the back of his neck.
- Just cover over your nose and mouth and breathe in 5 to 10 Deep breaths. Now what I will warn you because of the purity of our oils, close your eyes while doing it because your eyes are gonna water when you do that.
- My son Brandon, every single morning, gets up and he puts one drop of pappermint on his head and he literally rubbs it and then over his nose and mouth to help them in the morning with a bit of an energy boost.
- So if you feel down and you need an energy is great to use peppermint.
- It is also great to help with temperature. If you want to reduce fever, use it to your child. Wrap it from the top of their spine to the bottom and helps reduce temperature with me.
- For hot flashes from menopause, take one drop of the peppermint on hands and rub on the back of the neck and you can actually feel the body temperature lowering
- Peppermint is very good for your respiratory system. Very good for your digestive system.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9014″ title=”Lavender” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- We all know lavender we’ve all heard about lavender and lavender is widely used for its calming and relaxing qualities. Very good with feelings of stress, depression or feelings of anxiety, but also good with relaxing to help you to sleep at night.
- Now lavender can also be used as a pain relief. You can use it for skin irritation as well, for things like eczema or any rashes or anything like that. Obviously, it is going to be a sensitive area so we would recommend that you dilute it. I
I’ve used lavender for pain relief as well as obviously helped me when I burn myself at the oven. So obviously never put oil directly on a burn. Not a good idea. Okay, so what you need to do is put your finger under cold water then just apply the the lavender. If you’ve burned yourself and you know it takes that horrible sting away and it doesn’t blister so it’s a great way to use that as well. Lavender helps you a lot with this.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9015″ title=”Lemon” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- Lemon is the essential oils that will make you say “wow, these things actually work”.
- Lemon is something you can use for preventative measure because will improve your health. Things like cancers, strokes, heart attacks and arthritis, all love an acidic body. If you use lemon on a day to day basis, it is very good to help alkaline your body and it’s also very good to have detox your body.
- Put 2 drops of lemon in the capsule, or in your morning water.
- One bottle of lemon oil of 15 ml has 75 lemons in there. That is how pure it is and concentrated.
- It’s not the fruit of the lemon. The essential oil sits in the rind.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9016″ title=”Copaiba” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- Copaiba is not on the 10 core oil package but I want to include it because of his high qualities.
- Copaiba is very similar to CBD oil but it’s more concentrated than CBD oil. Copaiba doesn’t have the THC in it, you’re not gonna fly. Because of that THC not being in there it is legal in all countries to use it.
- Copaiba is very good for things like your cardiovascular system, your immune system, digestive system, your nervous system. Really, really good.
Now back to our 10 core oils.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9018″ title=”Melaleuca (Tea Tree)” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- The next of our 10 core oils is Melaleuca or commonly known as Tea tree oil
- It is an antiseptic, antiviral antibacterial oil. So you can use it for things that if you’ve got an athlete’s foot in fungus, infections or anything like that, if you’ve got any bacterial infections. You can use it in viral infections very good.
- On any child disease that forms of blisters on the body you can use Maleluca on all these blisters and it got rid of these and the pain and the rush associated
- On the flu symptoms and the next day I wake up with this nice big cold sore, which is a viral infection. So what I do is I take the tea tree and I just pop it under nose and I get rid of it.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9019″ title=”Oregano” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- Now another one of our oils is Oregano.
- Go and google Oregano and you’ll see that a lot of the hospitals in the UK use Oregano for the purposes of treating it MRSA virus which is a very dangerous virus that can only be contracted in hospitals.
- Oregano is nature’s antibiotic.
- It can be used for things like a healthy digestive system, respiratory system and grateful liver function.
Now liver function plays a huge part towards your overall health. Why? Because your liver function support your endocrine system. Your endocrine system plays a huge part with your health. It helps us things like your thyroid, your adrenal gland and it also helps with things like your hormone balancing[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9020″ title=”Frankincense” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- Frankincense, I could spend the next hour just talking to you about frankincense but I won’t. It is my favorite oil, I use frankincense with everything that I use.
- Frankincense is the king of all oils. It is very good for its anti inflammatory properties.
- So grateful! It’s also great as Botox in a bottle. Very simple. It helps with things like elasticity in your skin. So when you reach the age of menopause, automatically the elasticity in your skin starts to go because of the estrogen miss in the body.
- You can use it on that fine line of your wrinkles.
- Frankincense is literally great to use woman balancing is great to use for a promoting cellular health.
- And it is the one oil that has the ability to pass through the blood brain barrier and helps with any brain disorders. So many children and many and people in our team that are given testimonies, with children with ADHD and children with autism, they use the frankincense together with other oils, and it’s helped their children immensely.
- So it is such a powerful oil.
- Together with Frankincense, if you use it with any other oil, it boosts the strength of the other oil that you’re using.
- That’s all of our single oils in our top 10 core oils.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9022″ title=”On Guard” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- And now go to our blended oils.
- Now this is a great one as well: On Guard
- You can use On Guard, lemon, oregano and tea tree oil to get rid of all of your cleaning products
- On Guard is an oil that is a protective blend, you can use it on a day to day basis rubbing in front of your foot and your children’s feet. And that helps with your immune system and building up your immune system.
- It protects you against environmental threats, any bugs, any germs, bacteria, any viral infections, it is absolutely an amazing oil!
- I use for my cleaning products because that 99,9% germs killer shouldn’t be killing all the bacteria in your home, because it is not good for you to do that.
I also use it as hand sanitizer, diluted in distiled water[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9023″ title=”Air” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- Now oil has different names – Breathe, Ait-X, but in Europe it is Air.
- So basically, it is used for your respiratory system. it’s very good to help open airways and help you to ease your breathing.
- If your airways are blocking because of asthma or because of things like bronchitis, pneumonia, anything Air get it. It opens your airways and helps you to breathe a lot easier. It’s also a great combination to using a diffuser.
- Air refreshes the air, and actually cleanses the air as well.
So that’s what I’ve got in my diffuser today offering onboard on the sun helps to clean the air so that any bugs and germs hanging around, it gets rid of that as well[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9024″ title=”Deep Blue” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]The next of our oils is deep blue.
- This is an oil that you can use as very strong pain relief oil. You can use it for achy joints, achy muscles.
- If you’ve got arthritic pain in your joints, you can use it to get rid of that arthritic pain, you can use it for things like wrists, legs, you can use it for growth, pain your children’s legs.
- You can use it for exercising, before and after, you put it on your muscles.
- And one is that oil helped a lot of people who seems to be in pain associated with other diseases like lupus.
- So together with frankincense and the deep blue, we’ve helped some people with lupus, helping with the pain. Another painful disease is Fibromyalgia and deep blue and frankinsece proved to be efficient in pain release.
- I just need to give you two warnings about this essential oil. This oil can never ever be used internally, you can see even comes with a safety cap.
- And you also cannot use the deep blue, if you’re using it with blood thinning medication. So things like warfarin, aspirin, anything like that, that thins your blood, you cannot use them both.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9025″ title=”ZenGest” icon=”ti-check-box” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#1e73be”]
- ZenGest is the last of our 10 core oils
- It is used specifically for your digestive system. And you can use it for things like hot food, irritable bowel syndrome, IBD, nausea, constipation, diarrhea, you can use it for things like morning sickness in the first trimester, it’s safe to use.
- So you can use it for anything of digestive system.
- I already told youI that gut health is really important. So even if you don’t suffer with any of those things, using it each and every night, 2 drops in a water after lunch or dinner helps digest your food as well as protect your gut health, which is your overall health.
- To remind you, on one bottle of 15 ml you’re getting approximately 250 drops of the essential oil. Two drops of Zengest is three times cheaper than one serving of Gaviscon.
As I said, you could also use it for things like the diarrhea, constipation, nausea, travel, sickness, anything like that. So you would normally have to buy all of these products separately. You can see it from the cost comparison, a lot cheaper than having to go and buy one of those products[/tlg_timeline_content][/tlg_timeline]
- So how do you get these essential oils into your home
Very simple, we’ve got two different kits.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9028″ title=”Family Essential Kit” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]We’ve got a kit called The Family Essentials Kit, which is a very good kit with authentic oils, and all the oils will come in 5 ml bottles exact size bottle, you’re getting approximately 80 drops per bottle. And you’ll get all of these 10 core oils for 147 euros.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9029″ title=”Home Essential Kit” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- The most popular, most cost effective kit to get started with is the Home Essentials Kit. It’s 282 euros I recommend adding the fractionated coconut oil to that, as well as the veggie caps if there are some who don’t like the taste of it. You also get the diffuser with that kit as well.
Now if you start with this kit, this month, full month of December, you will also get the Frankincence, another bottle of Frankincense, absolutely free.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9030″ title=”Monthly Offer!!! – Update every month” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”][/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9031″ title=”Commercial Kit” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]We’ve also got commercial kids. If you’re interested in more oils, or getting more of the products as well, you can add that into your basket as well[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9032″ title=”Discounts & LRP” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- Now the best way to buy our oils: With doTERRA, the minute you get registered for one of those kits, you will automatically qualify for 25% discount on all of the products that doTERRA have.
- On a month to month basis if you want to buy, every time you spend on it, you will get points given back to you which you can buy your products absolutely free.
So from your first month to third month, will be 10% given back to you. After 13 months, it goes up to 30% given back to you. So with the 30% plus the 25% discount you’re going to get it equates to 55% Discount you’re going to get on your essential oils[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9033″ title=”doTERRA Changing Lives” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- With doTERRA we change people’s lives each and every day. We help communities change lives and someone’s life we are changing each day when we buy a bottle of oil
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9034″ title=”1. Live” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- What we will do is when you get started, we will help you change your life, yours and your family’s life. So that kit that you’re getting is for you and your family. It’s not stock. We don’t hold any stock as I state you’ll never find us running around selling oils
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9035″ title=”2. Share” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- You are sitting on this class and you are thinking: oh, Auntie Mary could use that oil. Oh, my uncle Jeff needs that oil, my sister Sunita. Well, basically, we refer to these people as sharers.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9036″ title=”3. Build” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- Or you could be sitting on the class thinking I want to do exactly what Debbie is doing. I want to teach and educate others about the essential oils while building myself an income and a business and help to impact many lots of people around the world
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9037″ title=”4. Change the World” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- No matter what you choose. Whether you want to be a customer, sharer or a builder, each and every time you buy a bottle of essential oil, you help the communities that are associated with the growers, and with regards to the doTERRA co impact sourcing that we have, as well as the initiatives we have with the Healing Hands Foundation
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9038″ title=”CHANGING THE WORLD” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]doTERRA changes the world one at a time, one person at a time and one community at a time[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9039″ title=”…Because” icon=”ti-shopping-cart-full” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#23dddd”]
- Because nature made first remedy and everything we need can be found there
- So if you’re interested in the income opportunity, just let me know and I can continue if you can allow me five more minutes
- otherwise, if not, thank you very much for joining us go back to the person that invited you and that will go through any questions you may have.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9043″ title=”Partnership” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Okay, so from a business point of view, if you’d like to earn an income from doTERRA very simply what you’re gonna do is you’re going to partnership with the person that invited you to class today.
What we do is we help small businesses as well as individuals become more entrepreneurial, with a global proven system that we will teach you to use and how to earn yourself an income.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9044″ title=”Why do people join?” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- There are many reasons why people join doTERRA. And these reasons, I don’t know whether you will relate to it, but it could be owning a business, retirement or whatever you choose.
And the reason you want to choose and join doTERRA either way, it can lead you to financial freedom as well as time freedom.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9045″ title=”Making a difference” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Now with doTERRA as consultants we make a difference each and every day.
- We first started helping individuals and their families with their own health, as well as helping many therapists and business owners grow their practice so that they can enjoy a greater level of success.
We then helped many individuals grow a business from home using the proven global system that we would teach you and show you how to use even though you’ve never ever been self employed.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9046″ title=”Healthcare Professionals” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- doTERRA attracts many healthcare professionals.
We attract people like doctors, pharmacists, we’ve got aroma therapist, occupational therapist, all sorts of different healthcare professionals.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9047″ title=”Our Team” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- We also attract people from from all walks of life
- We’ve got Nicole who’s a single mom of two young boys, we’ve got my son, Brandon, who’s an entrepreneur doesn’t want to work for anybody anymore.
We’ve got Maria, who’s a young lady living in Thailand Pasha, who’s ex military, we’ve got Paul. Paul is a therapist who runs his own practice. And we’ve also got Gem living in Thailand, who is a young mom with two young children that she’s building a business around this growth happening around the world.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9048″ title=”Growth in Europe” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- But I’m just going to show you what’s happening in Europe. In 2015, there was a $16 million turnover. By 2019 the turnover was 200 million.
There is a 68% global retention in doTERRA because of the quality of our products, as well as the income opportunity that we have. So what that does for you, it helps you to have an ongoing commission for yourself. It helps you to have continued business growth because you’re not just limited to your economy and in your borders of the country that you live in. You can go anywhere in the world, build yourself a business and it will help you to build a stable residual income, which will lead to time freedom as well as financial freedom[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9049″ title=”Strategic Partnership” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]Now the quickest and the easiest way for you to increase your chances of being successful is through alliances. So you will actually join a partnership with the person who invited you to the class today and together with that person and using doTERRA as the vehicle you can become succesfull within doTERRA[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9050″ title=”Business Impact” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Now, the impact of business today in a nutshell has changed vastly. And I’m sure you would agree. We have seen that over the last two years of this pandemic.
And very simply, the old ways of doing business, today are no longer reliable or sustainable[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9051″ title=”Modern business – ONLINE” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]More and more companies are closing their doors. An example of this is you’ve got the Blockbuster Video, which used to be a $6 billion business, which today is bankrupt, because of companies like Netflix that have come along and change the way you and I watch videos today[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9052″ title=”doTERRA makes it easy” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Now, with doTERRA, it is different. doTERRA is helping us to work a lot easier. Because as I said you, we don’t hold any stock. We don’t have to collect any money, we don’t do any deliveries. We also don’t need to worry about having a CRM, we don’t have to invoice people and have to collect money from them.
All of this is done by doTERRA on your behalf. And what happens is the monthly and weekly commissions owed to you is then paid over to you by doTERRA[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9053″ title=”Clients benefits” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Now very simple.
- Your clients when they get started with doTERRA will receive and are able to attend the free online classes.
- We will also have ongoing educational classes.
- An example of that is at the bottom here, where your class will be taught how to use the essential oils.
- They’ll also have discounted prices of 25%.
- When they get started like you will have as well as when they’re on the loyalty rewards program they will receive further discounts as well.
- Very simple depending on the amount of your order between the first and the 15th on the loyalty reward program, depending on which country, will determine the free product of the month.
- We have a Facebook group that can help you and give you support.
You also have the opportunity if they want to earn with doTERRA, we’ll teach you how to teach them[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9054″ title=”How it works” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Now the way it works is very, very simple.
- We will teach you how to target the correct audience using social media. So we will show you how to run effective adverts on social media and get you into a position where you continue to create an endless flow of inquiries.
If you are not confortable with it, you can also join a pool ad where you will have a lead generated and given to you on a week to week basis. Basically, when you generate those leads, when you get them from the pool ad, we will show you how to effectively deal with those leads[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9055″ title=”Online business” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]
- Now let’s see exactly everything I’ve done with you now
- I really don’t know whether you and the person who invited know each other personally or whether you’ve come to one of our adverts.
- What I’ve done with you so far is exactly what I’m going to teach you to do
- So very simply, the cement we use is a proven global system.
- No matter where you live in the world, we all use exactly the same system.
- We’re going to teach you how to work online. So we’re going to teach you how to work and operate remotely from home. And this will help you to provide you with greater opportunities for attracting prospects worldwide.
Now Raluca lives in Romania. I live in the UK, you are from South Africa… So very simply, how it works in the same anywhere in the world[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9056″ title=”Online & Offline” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]You can work online, you can work offline. This is an example of an online class. Now at the moment, because of lockdown in a lot of countries, we’re not teaching the offline system. But we also have an offline system if you’re interested in doing that as well.[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9057″ title=”Compensation Plan” icon=”ti-money” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]Now the way it works, the way you’re going to earn your income:
- If somebody just buys an oil from you, you’re going to earn 25% from that particular sale. But that is not the best way to sell your oils because it becomes like a linear income, you don’t have a steady income coming in every single month.
- So you become a little bit of a salesperson that have to generate that income all the time.
- Now the best way for you to start generating and linear income is through a wholesale account. Now we call this our start bonuses. And what happens is when they purchase for the first 60 days, you will then earn a 20% commission.
- Now if you teach this down to more levels, you will then earn a further 10 and a further 5%
- We’ll send you a video which explains exactly how you earn your income through this these different methods.
- The most strategic way and the best way to build yourself a residual income is through what we call your uni level bonuses. your unilevel bonuses based on your team work give you the highest percentage 7% on the highest turnover. Now this is where you can grow exponentially. It does take time to grow. It will take you to earn a really good income from doTERRA, with the residual income, anything between three and five years.
[/tlg_timeline_content][tlg_timeline_content style=”image” image=”9058″ title=”Join us TODAY” icon=”ti-heart” title_color=”#ad90c3″ icon_color=”#8224e3″]Each and every evening, before people go to bed, they pray for two things. They pray for their family’s health, and they pray for bread on the table.
- With doTERRA, we can teach you how to achieve abundance in both.
- So join us today!
- Help us to make this a much healthier and happier place around the world.
- Thank you very, very much for joining us!